Results of the Association's activities

Since 2020, the Association has been providing conducive conditions for the gallery business and helping the Russian art market reach a new level. Over three years of activity, many documents-results of the work were published, both in open access and in closed access - for members of the AGA only. You can see our selected projects below.

Directions of Association's activities

  • Collaboration with authorities, based on the interests of Association members.
  • Design of measures for benefits for Association members .
  • Building of unified information space.
  • Collection and systematization of information about contemporary art market, work on standards of gallery's activity.
  • Raising public awareness about contemporary art and stimulation of emergence of new collectors.
  • Development of economic and other mutual beneficial forms for the collaboration of Association members and other art market participants.
  • Assistance in professional preparation, development of galleries workers, organization of seminars, symposia, exhibitions, fairs, conferences and other events for the exchange of experience.
  • Expert support of Association members, provision of information, consultance and other services for Association members, including with the involvement of relevant organizations and specialists.
  • Popularization of Russian contemporary art on Russian and international art-markets.
  • Establishing stable professional and commercial relations with Russian and international organizations, museums and institutions for: organizing exhibitions, purchasing works of artists in the collection, taking part in the distribution of workshops, information support.
  • Education activities, aimed to increase the value of the art in public life, also by organization of different educational and exhibition platforms available for market participants and common spectators.
Association of galleries - is an open organization.
We are welcome new members – Russian contemporary art galleries, who share our values and principles.
You can always email and call us
+7 910 000-77-30

105120, Moscow, 4th Syromyatnichesky lane 1/4, 3rd floor, room 1
You can always email and call us
+7 910 000-77-30

105120, Moscow, 4th Syromyatnichesky lane 1/4, 3rd floor, room 1
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