Established in 2020, Association of Galleries brings together leading Russian gallerists. It initiates the creation of the main discussion platform on the art market. The program of the first season will be devoted to various aspects of the art industry: from working with museums and critics to urgent personnel issues and customs clearance. The main goal of the project is not only to gather experts and create conditions for sharing experience, but also to develop practical solutions to the industry's problems.
AGA TALKS project consists of a public program for everyone to join, and closed professional discussions - a number of complex and ambiguous topics the art community will be discussed in closed format.
There will be many types of speakers: founders of galleries, art market experts and all those who work with the contemporary on the front line - collectors, artists, representatives of logistics and insurance companies, and other participants of the gallery business.
For the first time, the series of discussions will touch on a wide range of topics devoted to Russian contemporary art through the prism of art business. Experts will discuss how the observance of professional ethics is connected with the growth of the art market, whether there are objective factors of education of the price of the artist's work, how the labor market is arranged in the art industry and why it is important to take into account when building a business, what documents should be required in buying art works, and more.
The topic of relations between the state and the art industry will be connected by the red thread of the discussion: how the procurement process for state museums is organized today and what our descendants will be able to see in museum collections, why Russian contemporary art is not enough represented on the international scene, and how existing customs rules hinder the development of the art market.
Among the members:
- Elena Selina is a gallerist, curator, art historian, founder of the XL gallery, a member of AICA.
- Nikolai Palazhchenko is head of the Art Management and Gallery Business Faculty at RMA Business School; one of the initiators of the creation of the Winery Center for Contemporary Art and the Perm Museum of Contemporary Art; curator of exhibition projects.
- Alexander Sharov is the founder and director of the gallery of contemporary art 11.12 GALLERY, in the art business for more than 15 years, lectures on the development of the Russian art market at RMA.
- Sergey Popov is a gallerist, art historian, curator, specialist in Russian contemporary art, has been the head of the pop/off/art gallery for more than 15 years.
- Ksenia Podoynitsyna is an expert on contemporary art, founder of Gallery 21 and InArt by Ksenia Podoynitsyna, a collection of Pushkin and Forbes Contributor.
- Diana Motsonashvili is managing partner of FineArtWay, art management and gallery business teacher at RMA.
- Others.

Schedule and topics of the following discussions:
- Museum of the future: what existing art is to remain in state Russian museums, April 14, online.
- Monetary compensation rights: the question of royalties in Russia, April 22, Gostiny Dvor, as part of the Legal Forum of the Antique Salon.
- Between the West and East: Russian contemporary art’s position at the international art scene, April 29, online.
- A question of maneuvering: how to properly transport works of art in Russia and abroad, May 13, Vintage Hall of the Winery.
- «Gallery girls»: profound or pretentious art workers in terms of backgrounds and education systems, May 18, online.
- The state of art criticism, May 20, Vintage Hall of the Winery.
- Russian art market: Art collectors’s perspective, May 27, Vintage Hall of the Winery.
Discussions will take place online and offline, participation is free, by pre-registration.
Association of Galleries is the first professional association of Russian gallerists, created to represent the interests of the art business at the local, state and international levels and jointly develop the art market.
Project partners:

Media contacts:
+7 (916) 062-27-31